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Thursday 13th of February 2025

Location: home/charities


Children with Cancer in Malawi

Children with Cancer in Malawi

Children with Cancer in Malawi is a UK-based charity, established to support the care of children with cancer in Malawi. Malaria, tuberculosis, malnutrition, and more recently HIV infection, are the main causes of death in Malawi. Not surprisingly, the government health service is concentrating on these problems rather than on cancer.

Children with Cancer in Malawi was established by 7 members of the Newcastle upon Tyne Paediatric Oncology Team, following a visit to the Paediatric Oncology Unit in Blantyre, Malawi. They were impressed by the difficult circumstances in which a dedicated but very under-resourced team in Malawi operate. They wanted to help the children of Malawi in a small but important way.

Every year the parishioners of St. Andrew's raise money, part of which pays the salary of a Nurse in Malawi. The nurse is called the St. Andrew's Nurse and at this time is Sister Ng' Gonga.

(Photo Credit: Creative Commons License -

Children with Cancer in Malawi
Ward 14 Day Unit
Royal Victoria Infirmary
Queen Victoria Road
United Kingdom

UK Reg. Charity No. 1111112

Children with Cancer in Malawi Website